Saturday, October 4, 2008

Getting Started....

Hey everyone.... I'm trying to get our blog up and going, so please bear with me. Hopefully over the next few days I can get it figured out enough to start posting stuff. If anyone has any tips, I could definitly use them!!


Brittney said...

I LOVE your background. I never got a chance to comment on your facebook, but your wedding was beautiful and you were such a gorgeous bride! Congratulations--married life is so much fun (although it can be a lot of work at times). :)

Suz said...

Yeah! I am so glad you will be blogging! It's very addictive! I seriously LOVE your background and header!!!

Boop said...

Great start Lib! Love the background. You'll have this all figured out before you know it. Love ya

Becke' said...

Fun Blog page! It is great to see that you have a blog. You look so pretty in all of your wedding pics that I have seen. Hope everything is going great with you and your new man! Becke'